Andrew Mutch amutch at waterford.lib.mi.us
Wed Jun 2 09:37:48 EDT 1999


This problem could be caused by a number of things but the two biggest
culprits to check are:

1.  The version of Netscape you are running:
Earlier versions of Netscape 4.x behave quite badly with Java.  I would
recommend upgrading to the newest version of Navigator -- 4.08 --  or
Communicator -- 4.6 -- to avoid this problem.

2.  System Resources
The machines you are using might be underpowered to handle running Java
applets in Netscape plus 2 security applications.  Probably anything below
32 MB of RAM is going to run into trouble.  If this is the case, you might
want to consider a RAM upgrade -- it is the cheapest way to improve
performance -- although if you are running old 486s or low-end Pentiums, you
might not want to put additional $$$ into a system that old.

If neither of these factors applies, I would try turning off one or the
other of the security applications to see if you can isolate the source of
the problem.

Good Luck!

Andrew Mutch
Library Systems Technician
Waterford Township Public Library
Waterford, MI, USA

Marya Gray wrote:

> HELP! (This is my first posting)
> We are using Ikiosk to lock down Netscape on our Public Access Internet
> Stations.  We are regularly experiencing  freezing when Java starts to
> load from a site.  Most stations are running Windows 95 with Netscape
> 4.x,
> Ikiosk 2.02 and Winu 4.2.
> Has anyone experienced this?  Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
> Marya Gray
> Library Systems Technician
> Oakville Public Library

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