DL'99 call for participation
ajackson at library.ucla.edu
Fri Jul 9 17:47:52 EDT 1999
Are there no one-day conference registration prices? I looked on the
website also but I could not locate any further information than what
you have in your email. I also sent mail to Fox and Freeston but I
received no reply. I would appreciate a response if anyone has an
Thank you.
On Tue, 6 Jul 1999 12:25:56 -0400 (EDT) DL 99 <dl99 at cs.virginia.edu>
> AUGUST 11-14, 1999
> Radisson Hotel Berkeley Marina
> 200 Marina Boulevard
> Berkeley, California 93710 USA
> 1-800-333-333 or 1-800-243-0625
> Conference Web site: http://fox.cs.vt.edu/DL99/
> General Chair: Neil C. Rowe, U.S. Naval Postgraduate School
> (rowe at cs.nps.navy.mil)
> Program Chair: Edward A. Fox, Virginia Tech
> (fox at cs.vt.edu)
> Publicity Chair: James C. French, University of Virginia
> (french at virginia.edu)
> Tutorials Chair: Gene Golovchinksy, Xerox FX Palo Alto Lab
> (gene at pal.xerox.com)
> Workshops Chair: Robert B. Allen, University of Maryland
> (rba at glue.umd.edu)
> Posters/Exhibits Chair: Jonathan Furner, UCLA
> (jfurner at ucla.edu)
> Treasurer: Michael Freeston, University of California, Santa Barbara
> (freeston at alexandria.ucsb.edu)
> Schedule
> Wednesday, August 11, 1999: Tutorials
> Registration 8-8:30
> Morning Tutorials (8:30-12):
> T1: "Practical Digital Libraries Overview (Part 1)", Ian Witten
> (University of Waikato), ihw at rata.cs.waikato.ac.nz
> This introductory tutorial surveys both the major issues
> surrounding digital libraries and the practical technologies
> available today to build such libraries. We will relate the issues
> to an existing, operational, comprehensive, economical digital
> library system, the New Zealand Digital Library. Special attention
> will be paid to user interfaces for searching, as supported by a
> full-text search engine, and for browsing, as supported by
> explicitly provided metadata, handling of keyphrases, and the
> results of text mining.
> T2: "Multilingual Information Access", Judith Klavans (Columbia
> University) and Peter Schauble (Eurospider Information
> Technology AG), schauble at eurospider.ch
> With emerging globalization, information access across language
> boundaries is becoming critical. This tutorial introduces the main
> approaches to multilingual information access, and presents the
> state of the art in detail with special attention to cross-language
> information retrieval. We will also cover areas of information
> presentation, including multilingual multidocument
> summarization, and will discuss the acquisition and usefulness of
> various multilingual resources. The tutorial will examine these
> issues from two points of view: information retrieval and
> computational linguistics. Prototype and commercial systems
> and evaluation methodologies will be discussed.
> T3: "XML, RDF, and Metadata for the Web", Neel Sundaresan
> (IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose),
> neel at almaden.ibm.com
> Metadata is important to the World Wide Web for describing and
> processing web resources. The Resource Description
> Framework (RDF) describes metadata. In this tutorial we will
> introduce RDF and its schemata based upon the latest W3C draft
> documents. We will discuss how RDF descriptions can be
> produced, processed, and queried with a programming language
> (e.g. Java) and a markup language (e.g. XML). We will study the
> relationship between XML and RDF, and will look at some Web
> applications and metadata structures in which RDF is used.
> Some working knowledge of XML and Java is preferred.
> 12-1:30: Lunch and Tutorial Registration
> Afternoon Tutorials (1:30-4):
> T4: "Practical Digital Libraries Overview (Part 2)", Edward Fox
> (Virginia Tech), fox at vt.edu
> A continuation of Tutorial 1, this tutorial will ground attendees in
> the history, topics, concepts, projects, systems, resources, and
> references related to digital libraries. It should prepare them to
> participate in educational, research, and development efforts in
> the field. It also should provide a theoretical basis and conceptual
> framework for further investigation and study. The tutorial will
> start with an overview of definitions, foundations, scenarios and
> perspectives; the main section will cover a variety of issues,
> including search, retrieval and resource discovery, multimedia,
> metadata, SGML and XML, agents, commerce, and intellectual
> property rights, among others.
> T5: "Thesauri for Knowledge-Based Assistance in Searching
> Digital Libraries", Dagobert Soergel (University of Maryland),
> ds52 at umail.umd.edu
> This tutorial will discuss principles for the design of an intelligent
> interface that guides users to better searches by exploiting
> transparently or explicitly -- the rich information available in
> ontologies and thesauri. It will show how a well-structured
> thesaurus can help search-topic clarification and finding of good
> search terms, touching on cross-database and cross-language
> searching. It will elucidate thesaurus structure: Concept-term
> relationships for vocabulary control and synonym expansion,
> conceptual structures for topic clarification, and hierarchic query
> expansion. Selected thesauri will be presented as examples.
> T6: "Searching from Multiple Text Sources in the Internet",
> Clement Yu (University of Illinois at Chicago) and Weiyi Meng
> (State University of New York at Binghamton),
> meng at panda.cs.binghamton.edu
> Many information search services or search engines have been
> installed in the Internet in recent years. As the number of search
> engines increases, automatic search brokers (metasearch
> engines) are increasingly needed to provide search coverage
> unavailable to a single search engine. This tutorial will provide an
> overview of proposed methods for building metasearch engines.
> It will review necessary background information on searching and
> indexing techniques, and will cover database selection,
> document selection and result merging.
> 5-7 Opening Reception
> Thursday, August 12, 1999: General Sessions
> 8-9 Registration
> 9-10:10 Session 1, Chair: Neil Rowe
> - Welcome
> - Keynote - David Levy, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
> 10:10-10:30 Break
> 10:30-12:00 Session 2 - Testbeds, Chair: Henry Gladney
> P1: "The Computing Research Repository: Promoting the Rapid
> Dissemination and Archiving of Computer Science Research",
> Joseph Y. Halpern and Carl Lagoze (Cornell University)
> P2: "VARIATIONS: A Digital Music Library System at Indiana
> University", Jon W. Dunn and Constance A. Mayer (Indiana
> University)
> P3: "A Digital Library for Authors: Recent Progress of the
> Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations",
> Constantinos Phanouriou, Neill A. Kipp, Ohm Sornil, Paul
> Mather, and Edward A. Fox (Virginia Tech)
> P4: "A Prototype Implementation of Archival Intermemory", Yuan
> Chen (NEC Research Institute and Georgia Institute of
> Technology), Jan Edler (NEC Research Institute), Andrew
> Goldberg (Intertrust Corporation), Allan Gottlieb (NEC Research
> Institute and New York University), Sumeet Sobti (University of
> Washington), and Peter Yianilos (NEC Research Institute)
> 12:00-1:30 Lunch
> 1:30-3 Session 3a - IR / Multimedia, Chair: Edie Rasmussen
> P5: "Semantic Indexing for a Complete Subject Discipline", Yi-
> Ming Chung, Qin He, Kevin Powell, and Bruce Schatz (University
> of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
> P6: "Summarization and Selection of Information Sources Using
> Automated Classification", R. Dolin, D. Agrawal, and A. El Abbadi
> (University of California, Santa Barbara)
> P7: "Vocal Access to a Newspaper Archive: Design Issues and
> Preliminary Investigation", Fabio Crestani (University of
> California, Berkeley)
> P8: "Multimedia Description Framework (MDF) for Content
> Description of Audio/Video Documents", Michael J. Hu and Ye
> Jian (Nanyang Technological University)
> 1:30-3 Session 3b - User / Social Issues, Chair: Cliff McKnight
> P9: "Introducing a digital library reading appliance into a reading
> group", Catherine C. Marshall, Morgan N. Price, Gene
> Golovchinsky, and Bill N. Schilit (FX Palo Alto Laboratory)
> P10: "Multimodal Surrogates for Video Browsing", Wei Ding
> (University of Maryland, College Park), Gary Marchionini
> (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) and Dagobert Soergel
> (University of Maryland, College Park)
> P11: "Making Digital Libraries Go: Comparing Use Across
> Genres", Ann Bishop (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
> 3-3:30 Break
> 3:30-5 Session 4, Chair: Sugimoto Shigeo
> Panel 1: "Visions for a Digital Library for Science, Mathematics,
> Engineering Technology Education (SMETE)" Chair: Alice
> Agogino (University of California, Berkeley)
> Panelists: William Y. Arms, Edward A. Fox, Frank Wattenberg,
> and Flora McMartin
> 7-10 Reception with posters and demonstrations
> Friday, August 13, 1999: General Sessions
> 8:30-10:00 Session 5 - Links / Citations and User Interfaces,
> Chair: Nick Belkin
> P12: "A System For Automatic Personalized Tracking of
> Scientific Literature on the Web", Kurt D. Bollacker, Steve
> Lawrence, and C. Lee Giles (NEC Research Institute)
> P13: "Topic-Based Browsing Within a Digital Library Using
> Keyphrases", Steve Jones and Gordon Paynter (University of
> Waikato)
> P14: "A Scrollbar-based Visualization for Document Navigation",
> Donald Byrd (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
> P15: "Does Zooming Improve Image Browsing?", Tammara T.A.
> Combs and Benjamin B. Bederson (University of Maryland,
> College Park)
> 10:00-10:30 Break
> 10:30-12:00 Session 6 - Multimedia, Chair: Robert Allen
> P16: "Learnable Visual Keywords for Image Classification", Joo-
> Hwee Lim (Kent Ridge Digital Labs)
> P17: "A New Ranking Principle for Multimedia Information
> Retrieval", Martin Wechsler and Peter Schauble (Eurospider
> Information Technology AG)
> P18: "Musical Information Retrieval using Melodic Surface", M.
> Melucci and N. Orio (University of Padova)
> P19: "Towards a Digital Library of Popular Music", David
> Bainbridge, Craig G. Nevill-Manning, Ian H. Witten, Lloyd A.
> Smith, and Rodger J. McNab (University of Waikato and Rutgers
> University)
> 12:00-1:30 Lunch
> 1:30-3:00 Session 7 - Multiple Collections/Sources, Chair: Jose
> Luis Borbinha
> P20: "Using Query Mediators for Distributed Searching in
> Federated Digital Libraries", Naomi Dushay (Cornell University),
> James C. French (University of Virginia), and Carl Lagoze
> (Cornell University)
> P21: "A Patent Search and Classification System", Leah S.
> Larkey (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
> P22: "Digital Library Technology for Locating and Accessing
> Scientific Data", Robert E. McGrath, Joe Futrelle, Ray Plante
> (NCSA, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) and Damien
> Guillaume (Universite Louis-Pasteur)
> P23: "User Preferences When Searching Individual and
> Integrated Full-text Databases", Soyeon Park (Rutgers
> University)
> 3:00-3:30 Break
> 3:30-5:00 Session 8, Chair: Edward Fox
> - Bush Award Presentation for Best Paper, by Robert Akscyn
> - Panel 2: "Digital Library Futures"; Chair: Barry Leiner (CNRI)
> 5:00-7:00 Final Reception
> Saturday, August 14, 1999: Full-Day Workshops
> W1: "Networked Knowledge Organization Systems", Linda L. Hill
> (University of California, Santa Barbara) and Gail Hodge
> (Information Intl. Assoc.), lhill at alexandria.ucsb.edu; see
> http://www.alexandria.ucsb.edu/~lhill/nhos/DL99workshop.html
> W2: "Organizing Web Space", Robert Wilensky (University of
> California, Berkeley), Katsumi Tanaka (Kobe University), and
> Yoshinori Hara (NEC USA),hara at ccrl.sj.nec.com;see
> http://www.ccrl.neclab.com/dl99ww/
> W3: "Multilingual Information Discovery and Access", Douglas W.
> Oard (University of Maryland) and Carol Peters (IEI-CNR, Pisa),
> joint with SIGIR'99, oard at glue.umd.edu; see
> http://www.clis.umd.edu/conferences/midas.html
> W4: "D-Lib Forum Working Group on Metrics for Digital
> Libraries", Barry Leiner (CNRI), bleiner at cnri.reston.va.us; see
> http://www.dlib.org/metrics
> W5: "Second Summit on International Cooperation in Digital
> Libraries", Robert Akscyn (KSI, Inc.) and Ian Witten (University of
> Waikato), rma at ks.com; see http://www.ks.com/idla/
> *********************************************************************
> Hotel Registration: All sessions will be held at the Radisson Berkeley
> Marina. Rooms are $109 for single/double per night plus 12% city tax.
> Call 1-800-333-3333 or 1-800-243-0625 for reservations.
> *********************************************************************
> The Fourth ACM Conference on Digital Libraries
> August 11 - 14, 1999, Berkeley, California USA
> (or register from the Web site http://fox.cs.vt.edu/DL99/ starting in June)
> Name (first,middle,last):___________________________________________________
> Affiliation (for badge): ___________________________________________________
> Title/Job Function: ________________________________________________________
> Address: ___________________________________________________________________
> City: __________________________ State: _______________ Zip Code: ___________
> Phone: (____)__________________________ Fax: (___)__________________________
> Email: __________________________________ ACM Member ID: ___________________
> Special Needs:_____________________________________
> Do not include my name, address and e-mail id in the
> conference attendee listing _____.
> (Please circle appropriate fees)
> Registration before 07/14/99 Registration after 07/13/99
> Member Non-Member Member Non-Member
> DL99 Conference Registration $295.00 $345.00 $345.00 $395.00
> Regis. for Full-Time Student $125.00 $150.00 $150.00 $175.00
> (Note: The above do not include tutorials and workshops.)
> Morning Tutorial Registration $175.00 $225.00 $225.00 $275.00
> Afternoon Tutorial Registration $175.00 $225.00 $225.00 $275.00
> Workshop Registration $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00
> Circle Tutorials and Workshops chosen: T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5
> Total Fees: US $_________________
> Payment included (circle one): American Express MasterCard Visa Check
> Credit Card #:_______________________________ Expiration Date: ________
> Name as it appears on credit card: ______________________________________
> Signature: ______________________________________________________________
> For questions (8:30 am - 4:30 PM EST), Email: acmhelp at acm.org. For
> credit card payments, Fax 1-212-944-1318, Telephone: (US and Canada)
> 1-212-342-6626, (outside the US) 1-212-626-0500.
> If paying by check, mail check with registration form to: ACM Member
> Services, P.O. Box 11405, New York, NY 10286-1405, USA. Make checks
> payable to ACM Digital Libraries Conference.
> Cancellations must be received in writing by contacting the ACM Member
> Services Department. A US $50 cancellation fee will be charged.
Audrey M. Jackson
Head, UCLA Science & Engineering Library
8251 Boelter Hall, Box 951598
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1598
ajackson at library.ucla.edu (email)
310-8253398 (telephone)
310-2069872 (fax)
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