This is the second part in the 26 part Christy Paxson experiment

thom thom at
Mon Jan 11 17:35:12 EST 1999

in transmedia design. You will need the Flash plug-in to see Christy #2. 
I'm sending this to web4lib because I think the connections between what
Bart is attempting and digital storytelling for both kids and adults
should be very obvious. The limited way to think about this sort of design
is to think of it as something which is consumed by kids and adults. It
definitely works that way but this sort of design is even more interested
when you think of teaching kids and adults digital storytelling and
letting them create and spread their own stories. You will need to turn
the lights and electricity off because they won't leave. I know because
I've taught digital storytelling to folks from 4 to 70. The effect is the
same once people realize that they can design their own stories complete
with graphics, animation and sound, and send them everywhere.

Bart is the B part of J&B on the Rox which was a local community access TV
show which attracted the enmity of conservatives locally in southern
Indiana but also the attention of Wired & Newsweek along with the Wall
Street Journal and a chapter in a book on culture jamming. The Christy
Paxson Show is part of Bart's MIME thesis in Telecommunications at Indiana
University ( 24 more episodes to come. 

Take a peak, have some patience and imagine the future of digital
storytelling on the net and in your libraries.  



ChristyWeek -- the electronic newsletter devoted to the life and times of
Christy Paxson.  Volume 1 Issue 2  (See below for information about your


Part II of "The Life of Christy" is complete and ready for your perusal. 
And there's now a Windows version of "Interactive Christy."  Check it out
and let us know what you think. 


ChristyWeek is an electronic newsletter -- a free, weekly e-mail that will
keep you abreast of the happenings in Christy's life over the past seven
days.  You're receiving ChristyWeek because you subscribed (as outlined
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Bart Everson <b at>


 \\\\////                tHoM gIllEsPiE
 /ww  ww\    Indiana University	       thom at
6 (*][*) ?   Dept of Telecom 346       812-855-3254 (v)
 \  .7  /    Bloomington, In. 47406    812-855-7955 (f)
  ( --')	
   WWWW      MIME: Masters in Immersive Mediated Environments
  / WW \
What is the use of a book, thought Alice, without pictures or
conversation. -Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventure in Wonderland

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