[WEB4LIB] Re: web searchable full text journal list

Roberts, Gary roberts at king.alfred.edu
Tue Feb 23 10:04:06 EST 1999

		We have also just completed the task of compiling a
comprehensive, searchable serials list.  You can see our searchable
serials list at  Our serials
list is on an Access database, which resides on Microsoft's Personal Web
Server.   This list is actually a compilation of our print holdings,
LEXIS-NEXIS Academic Universe, Proquest and Infotrac The process of
constructing this database can be divided into 4 steps.  

		1)	Serials data from vendors is located, downloaded
and imported into an Access database.
		2)	Disparate information from multiple vendors is
organized into a uniform format through a number of complex queries
		3)	The information is assimilated using a Union
Query.  The resulting list is copied and pasted into a new table, which
is then used in a parameter query.
		4)	The parameter query is saved as HTX/IDC, and the
resulting pages are put in a directory on a Microsoft Personal Web

		This is a relatively complex process and it did take me
some time to figure it out.  I am estimating that it may take 6-10
hours/year to maintain.  So far, Collection Management and ILL have used
the database extensively and we hope our patrons will also be happy with
the result.  We think the result has been worth our efforts.

		Gary Roberts 
		Library Assistant, Herrick Library
		Alfred University 
		SILS Buffalo Grad Student

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