[WEB4LIB] Domain numbers

Hetherington Information Services his at virtuallibrarian.com
Wed Apr 28 08:17:45 EDT 1999


The last section of a "dotted quad"   xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx has no special
designation unless that number has 
been specifically assigned to a machine (static IP number) thereby
identifying it as the same machine every time.  Otherwise it's usually
dynamically assigned to the modem when it makes it's connection.

The numbers that carry meaning are the first three set in the dotted quad.
Generally those are handed out by class license.  

I'm running off to work so I can't get into serious details, however if you
look up IP addressing in any Networking dictionary it should be pretty
straight forward.

Hope that helps.
Cynthia Hetherington
Technology Librarian
Englewood, NJ

At 04:31 AM 4/28/99 -0700, kristinh at lv.is wrote:
>I have been a lurker for a while - posting an occasional question.  Now I 
>have a
>question about domain numbers.  We all now the meaning of .com and .uk.
.is is
>Iceland by the way.  What I want to know is what the numbers mean.  I got a 
>of numbers for domain endings and want to know where they are from.  Here are
>some examples:
>Can anyone assist me on this?
>Kristin Osk
>Kristin Osk Hlynsdottir
>Information Specialist
>Landsvirkjun - The National Power Company
>Haaleitisbraut 68
>103 Reykjavik
>Tel: +354-515-9111
>Fax: +354-515-9116
>e-mail: kristinh at lv.is
>Web: http://www.lv.is/enska
>Member, International Webmasters Association http://iwanet.org/

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