Rare Book School (fwd)

Roy Tennant rtennant at library.berkeley.edu
Mon Apr 5 11:08:51 EDT 1999

Posted on behalf of the Book Arts Press <fac-fbap at virginia.edu>, please do
not respond to me. 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 16:38:36 -0500
From: Book Arts Press <fac-fbap at virginia.edu>
Subject: Rare Book School

RARE BOOK SCHOOL 1999 (RBS): Rare Book School is pleased to announce its
schedule of courses for the summer of 1999, consisting of 27 five-day,
non-credit courses on topics concerning the history of books and printing,
manuscripts, and special collections, to be offered on the grounds of the
University of Virginia 12 July - 6 August.  Tuition per course for the RBS
1999 Summer Session is $640.  The complete brochure, expanded course
descriptions, and applications are available at our website:


Readers of WEB4LIB may find the courses featured below to be of particular

Encoded Archival Description (EAD) provides standardized machine-readable
access to primary resource materials. This course is aimed at archivists,
librarians, and museum personnel who would like an introduction to EAD that
includes an extensive supervised hands-on component. Students will learn
SGML encoding techniques in part using examples selected from among their
own institution's finding aids. Topics: the context out of which EAD
emerged; introduction to the use of SGML authoring tools and browsers; the
conversion of existing finding aids to EAD. Offered in both weeks 1 and 3.
Instructor: Daniel Pitti.
DANIEL PITTI became Project Director at the University of Virginia's
Institute for Advanced Technology in 1997, before which he was Librarian
for Advanced Technologies at the University of California, Berkeley. He was
the Coordinator of the Encoded Archival Description initiative. 

A practical exploration of the research, preservation, editing, and
pedagogical uses of electronic texts and images in the humanities. The
course will center around the creation of a set of archival-quality etexts
and digital images, for which we shall also create an Encoded Archival
Description guide. Topics include: SGML tagging and conversion; using the
Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines; the form and implications of XML;
publishing on the World Wide Web; and the management and use of on-line
texts. See for details about last year's course. Some experience with HTML
is a pre-requisite for admission to the course. Offered in both weeks 2 and
4. Instructor: David Seaman.

DAVID SEAMAN is the founding director of the nationally-known Electronic
Text Center and on-line archive at the University of Virginia. He lectures
and writes frequently on SGML, the Internet, and the creation and use of
electronic texts in the humanities. 

Book Arts Press                      ph: 804/924-8851 
114 Alderman Library                fax: 804/924-8824
University of Virginia            email: oldbooks at virginia.edu
Charlottesville, VA  22903	website: <http://www.virginia.edu/oldbooks>

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