[WEB4LIB] spelling conventions

TMGB bennettt at am.appstate.edu
Wed Sep 30 18:40:08 EDT 1998

When I choose the spell checker from WordPerfect  8, it always wants to give
me a choice of Internet or INTERNET when it finds internet.  So, how much
credence do you put on WPs spell checker will determine your acceptance of
these two.


Kevin W. Bishop wrote:

> This is something of a silly question, but what is the convention?
> Internet / internet
> Web / web
> Webpage / webpage // Web page / web page
> Website / website // Web site / web site
> I'm consistently inconsistent with the capitalization and spacing of these
> words and would like to know if there is a standard style for the sake of
> developing "how-to" [w]eb()pages about [w]eb()page development.
> -kb
> (I think it should be "Internet" and "Web", but as for the others ... ??)
> __________________________________________
> Kevin W. Bishop
> Campus-Wide Information System Coordinator
> Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
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> (518) 276-8332   Fax  276-8559
> bishopk at rpi.edu
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> __________________________________________

Thomas McMillan Grant Bennett           Appalachian State University
Computer Consultant II                  University Library
bennettt at am.appstate.edu                http://www.library.appstate.edu/admin/

Voice:  704 262 2797   FAX:    704 262 3001

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