[WEB4LIB] kiosk commands

James Cayz cayz at lib.de.us
Wed Sep 16 11:48:43 EDT 1998


Please be aware that "kiosk" mode doesn't exist in Navigator versions
4.04 and above.  It is now "kanvas" mode.  What that means is that you
can press Control-N to get a new window (with controls) and Control-O to
open any page or local file.  (I don't have the reference handy, but a
page somewhere on the Netscape site details this little-known change). 
Option -sk is the same as -k.  I discovered this little jem 2 MONTHS into
my GUI projects....

As for disabling keys without making a mess - well, that's what I am up to
doing with (at this point) 2 layers of security programs.  Needless to
say, I still have problems.

What I wouldn't give to have a version of Netscape with an INTERFACE of
3.01 (command line options, etc) with the FUNCTIONALITY of 4.05 (fixed
java, etc.)!!!!

James Cayz 

[ James Cayz  #  cayz at lib.de.us #  DelAWARE homepage: http://www.lib.de.us ]
[ Network Processing Administrator #  302-739-4748 x130 # Fax 302-739-6948 ]
[ Delaware Division of Libraries # 43 S. DuPont Hwy / Dover, DE 19901-7430 ]
On Tue, 15 Sep 1998, Thomas Edelblute wrote:
>We just setup our Netscape in Kiosk mode this weekend, but are having a
>lot  of problems with it. Is there any combination of keys that allows
>us to go back to the home page without doing the Alt-Left arrow
>a-million times. Also, we need a way of printing.
>If these are not valid options in kiosk mode, we need a way of disabling
>buttons that will allow us to keep the address bar hidden.
>Thomas Edelblute

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