I know its not Stumpers but someone said it here!!!! (I think)

Stephen Michael Barnett stevebar at torrens.tafe.sa.edu.au
Fri Oct 16 02:30:38 EDT 1998

I know its not Stumpers but someone said it here!!!! (I think)

A colleague and I are about to use this quote in a presentation and I
really would like to acknowledge the source. I rather suspect from my lack
of success nailing it down that I may have stolen it from someones
signature file and then placed it on my noticeboard without noting its source!
Any help would be rewarded with our thanks and a virtual pat on the back!

The quote is:
"The Internet is like a flea market, a huge jumble of good and bad, then we
have the opportunity to help people because we know where the good stuff is”

Stephen Michael Barnett
Lecturer, Learning Services
Torrens Valley Institute of TAFE
100 Smart Road Modbury 5092
e-mail stevebar at torrens.tafe.sa.edu.au
phone int 61 8 8207 8103 fax int 61 8 8207 8008
mobile 0413 731610
Visit our Institute at: <http://www.tafe.sa.edu.au/institutes/torrens-valley/>


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