Arlene Rinaldi's Netiquette site

Ian Winship, Univ. Northumbria ian.winship at
Wed Oct 14 04:49:36 EDT 1998

List members might note that the URL for Arlene Rinaldi's

   The Net: User Guidelines and Netiquette

has changed recently and the preferred URL seems to be

though you can end up at a second home page at

I haven't seen the change announced anywhere. I assume the content is the same.

Ian Winship                             
Information Services Dept.              |    e-mail: ian.winship at
University of Northumbria at Newcastle  |    phone:  0191 227 4150
City Campus Library                     |    fax:    0191 227 4563
Newcastle upon Tyne                     |
NE1 8ST                                 |
UK                                      |

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