Web Team mission statements or charge

Mark T Paul mtpaul01 at athena.louisville.edu
Thu Oct 1 10:58:29 EDT 1998

I am looking for any mission statements or team charges that define the
responsibilities of content control and/or site design for library web
sites. We are moving our web design group under a Resource Planning Team
and have been asked to create a mission or charge.

If your group has any such statements and they are on the web, please list
the URL.  Or, you may post or email the actual statement.  If you would
like you may reply to me personally and I can summarize for the group.


Mark Paul
Electronic Resources Coordinator
Laura Kersey Library of Engineering,
      Physical Science, & Technology
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY  40292
(502) 852-1632
mtpaul01 at athena.louisville.edu

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