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Donovan Lambright fmt000 at
Mon Nov 16 11:34:10 EST 1998

>Showing me ignorance but why would sans serif be easier to read than say Arial?  I find Arial to be crisp >and clean, and easier to read than Times, though the spacing betwix words is not as good as Times.  >Anywho, I'm curious as to the theory behind typography, as to what is most readable and which is least.

I believe I remember reading somewhere that sans serif fonts like Arial are easier to read on a computer screen than serif fonts like New York Times. The opposite is true of text on paper-New York Times would be easier on the eye than Arial.  It has something to do with the serifs, I think.


Donovan Lambright
Computer Services Supervisor
Missouri River Regional Library
PO Box 89
Jefferson City, MO  65102

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