Data Missing & Netscape Nav. 4.05?

David Atkins atkins at
Fri May 1 16:51:39 EDT 1998


Back in Feb., folks we're discussing "Data Missing" errors being generated
by some Netscape 3.0x & 4.0x CGI sessions when you try to print a page.
You can see the page fine on the screen but Print Preview reveals a "Data
Missing Error."  Same is true for the print out.  You see a real, live
page on the screen but the output is "Data Missing"

I'm trying to prove a negative (ouch):  Does Netscape Nav. 4.05 also
generate these "data missing" errors?

Has anyone encountered this problem w/ Netscape 4.05?  So far, it works
for me.

David Atkins 

David P. Atkins
Electronic Resources Librarian
John C. Hodges Library                   atkins at
The University of Tennessee                    me  (423) 974-0014
Knoxville, Tennessee  37996                    fax (423) 974-9242

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