CJK readers for Web browsers

Kevin W. Bishop bishopk at rpi.edu
Thu Jul 30 09:25:53 EDT 1998

Recently a patron at our library wanted to read a Chinese newspaper on the
Web, which brought to our attention the fact that our workstations are not
setup to read Chinese character sets.  (The same is probably true for
Japanese and Korean.)

I've searched the Web4Lib archives for previous discussion of this (found
nothing), I've looked at some products available online, but I'm hoping to
find reliable freeware which would enable our browsers (Communicator 4.0 -
on Win95) to read CJK character sets.  [Note: While selecting the
"Encoding" option works for *some* sites, none of the three types of
Chinese encodings worked for the site in question ... ]

Any suggestions?  Feel free to send them directly to me - I'll post replies
in digest form to the list later if anyone expresses interest.

Thanks for your help.



Kevin W. Bishop                              bishopk at rpi.edu
Campus-Wide Information System Coordinator   http://www.rpi.edu/rpinfo/
Libraries and Information Services
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute             http://www.rpi.edu/
110 8th St. Troy, NY, 12180-3590    
(518) 276-8332   Fax  276-8559

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