access to the airwaves

Robert Sullivan SCP_SULLI at
Sat Jul 25 23:28:14 EDT 1998

>...How is it possible for a group 
>to monitor email messages and post cautionary messages like this?  Does 
>anybody else find this outrageous?   Can someone explain how it is done?  I 
>realize they have some software that looks for certain keywords but how do 
>they gain access to the "air waves" and what is to prevent a political 
>group from doing the same thing?

Assuming that this relates to Web4Lib having Web-accessible archives, not much. 
This is why you see warnings to be cautious in what you post to a public list
(or in private mail, for that matter).  Do an Alta Vista search for your name
and/or workplace and you may be delighted/startled/mortified at how much of
your writing has been immortalized.

Hmmm, perhaps this will become a common practice for employers checking out

Bob Sullivan                               scp_sulli at
Schenectady County Public Library (NY)

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