disable wallpaper

James Klock j-klock at evanston.lib.il.us
Wed Jul 22 18:18:25 EDT 1998

Earlier today, I said:
>I personally advocate using a System Policy or Mandatory Profile to prevent
>the user from making changes to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control
>Panels/Display key. [and thus prevent users from saving a Netscape
background as >wallpaper.]  I haven't tested either of these (I don't even
>remember the details of doing so at the moment...) but I believe it's been
>discussed on Web4Lib before-- check the archive.

Unfortunately, it looks like a mandatory profile will not prevent the
change from happening, it will only reset the wallpaper the next time you
log the account into the domain.  

Perhaps the best answer for NT is to make the default wallpaper be
"C:\WINNT\Netscape Wallpaper.bmp", create that as a read-only file (make
sure that only the administrator has anything but "Read" security rights)
and let Netscape bomb out on people when they try to reset the wallpaper...


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