Filtered Internet Service Provider

Filtering Facts David_Burt at
Wed Jan 28 10:56:06 EST 1998

Sheryl Dwinell wrote:
>>I've also talked to a couple of filtering vendors who were very optimistic
>>about the potential money to be made selling filters to ISPs.  I hear there
>>has even been some suggestions of *requiring ISPs by law* to offer filtered
>>access as a choice.  They have a point: it really isn't fair to put the
>>burden entirely on the parents.
>Requiring ISPs to offer filtered acces by law? Can't you just see the
>attempts to construct a law like that? Who'd do it, the feds? the states?
>Imagine the headaches if you're a national ISP and 10 states have the law.
>What if one state's idea of filtering is more restrictive than another
>state? How about if one porn site sneaks through and some outraged parent
>decides to take the ISP to court. Sounds like a mess to me. Why not rely on
>consumer demand. If enough folks want this type of access, and ISP's feel
>like it's a good business decision to do so, then they'll do it. 

Like I said, this was just a rumor about possible state efforts, so I don't
know any details.  But "offer as a choice" could be pretty loosely worded
and enforced.  And the key word is "choice": no one was talking about
forcing consumers to have filtered access.  If the consumer wasn't satisfied
with the filtering, they could easily switch back to unfiltered.  

I personally am in favor of things that give parents choices, rather than
forcing all of them accept free speech absolutism as the only choice.

>Why is it not fair to put the burden on the parents. They have the burden
>of turning off the TV to keep their kids away from nasty stuff on cable.
>Isn't part of being a parent exercising control over how you want your
>children to be raised? Yeah, it's a HARD and time consuming job, but that's
>part of being a parent. Isn't it?

While some "indecent" materials are avaible with basic cable, I'm not aware
that pornographic ones are.  You can get The Playboy Channel with X-Rated
movies, but it's a premium service you have to pay for.  In fact, the limits
on cable TV are much stricter than the Internet.

Yes, parenting is a hard job, but raising children and providing for the
safety is also *everyone's* responsibility, not just the parents.  It does
take a village to raise a child, and we all must accept our responsiblity
for the well being of the children in our villages, rather than simply shrug
and say "it's your responsibility, not mine".

David Burt, Filtering Facts, HTTP://WWW.FILTERINGFACTS.ORG
David_Burt at

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