Communicator 4.04 Stand Alone

Julie Castelluzzo juliec at
Tue Jan 27 09:11:10 EST 1998

Hi, Stephanie and all the web4libers.

We're also using Netscape Navigator 4.04 Standalone, without email; and
Fortres for security. We run Windows 95. Here's what I've does regarding 
changes in Netscape:

I used Fortres to disable any changes to the Windows 95 registry, and to
disable any writing to the hard disk, except to a special temp directory.
This does not prevent users from changing the preferences, but does clear
out any changes they make as soon as Netscape is restarted. The only down
side to this is that every time you start Netscape, an message pops up
saying something about not being able to edit the registry. I think we can
live with that.

In some cases it is necessary to make changes to the preferences. For
instance, one user was trying to print out a web page that had white
lettering on a black background. We had to change the color preferences so
that it was possible to see the text on the printout.

I hope this helps.

Julie Castelluzzo          juliec at
Electronic Services Librarian
The Cooper Union Library

On Mon, 26 Jan 1998, Stephanie Kraus wrote:

> We have recently upgraded our Public Internet Stations to Communicator
> 4.04 stand alone so there is no e-mail function.  (An idea suggested on
> this list)   We also use Fortres to lock down the stations but I am
> finding that patrons are getting into the preferences section and doing
> all kinds of strange changes to the look of the screen, toolbars etc.
> Is there a way to make it so patrons cannot get into these options?  I
> am sure the excitement of changing it around will wear off soon (it did
> with the old version) but I am tired of having to get into the
> preferences between nearly every patron!

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