Netscape cache files

Susan Persak persak at
Wed Jan 21 06:12:04 EST 1998

Netscape 3.04 cleans its own cache, so you may wish to upgrade your
version. Actually, performance is enhanced when a file is already in the
cache, but 3.0 will freeze under some circumstances when cache is full.
Cache size is an option. We prefer to set it rather high to speed

C. White wrote:
> I would like to hear what other libraries are doing with their Netscape
> cache files. There is some feeling in our agency that cache needs to be
> emptied frequently and continually. We use Netscape 3 with Windows95 on
> Pentium 166 computers with 2G hard drives. We have protected our public
> access computers with Full Armor which precludes the public from
> accessing the cache files to see what's in them, but some people here
> feel that you have to empty cache to enhance performance. Is this an
> issue or not?
> Is there a problem with setting both the memory cache and the disk cache
> to 0? Would you recommend it or not?
> Colleen White
> Ventura County (CA) Library Services Agency

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