Research Guidance for Library to host - Useful?

Sheryl Dwinell dwinells at
Thu Jan 15 12:12:39 EST 1998

>My question is this: 
>    Could I convince libraries to host the articles on their website?
>For my part, I should think libraries would be happy for the assistance. 
>Library patrons may expect assistance, but it is not the role of each 
>library to organize the Internet. Most library websites are rather lame 

The least effective way to do this is by asking librarians on this list for
assistance and then denigrating their work.  Not too cool. There are lots
of fantastic resources I've found on the Net developed by librarians to
assist students and others with research, using Web and print resources.
Maybe you just haven't executed an exhaustive enough review of the library
Web sites in existence. 

Sheryl Dwinell * Cataloger/DBM Librarian/Webmaster
Memorial Library * Marquette University
P.O. Box 3141 * Milwaukee, WI 53201-3141
414-288-3406 * dwinells at

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