"Filters and the Public Library"

Roy Tennant rtennant at library.berkeley.edu
Tue Jan 13 12:22:25 EST 1998

In the future I would appreciate it if the source of quotes are provided
with the message. In the case below, this comes from the December
1997 issue of Current Cites ( http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/CurrentCites/ ).
Roy Tennant

On Mon, 12 Jan 1998, Shirl Kennedy wrote:

> Intelligent, scholarly take on this inflammatory issue by a
> librarian-turned-lawyer.
> Shirl K.
> Minow, Mary. "Filters and the Public Library: A Legal and Policy
>    Analysis" First Monday 2 (12)
>    (http://www.firstmonday.dk/issues/issue2_12/minow/). - Minow
>    insightfully reviews the tangled area of public policy covering
>    Internet access in public libraries. Much policy is decided without
>    empirical evidence for any stance, and the resulting policies
>    demonstrate this gap in their ambivalence, and lack of clarity. Minow
>    maps some strategies librarians can employ to balance the needs of the
>    community with the directives of the profession, and provides a useful
>    review of the issues along the way. - TH

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