DNS Blues

Michael Dargan darganm at iren.net
Mon Jan 12 23:03:47 EST 1998

I ran into an odd situation this afternoon on one of my public Internet 

Machine:	GW2K E3000 166, 32 megs
OS:		Win95b
IP:		Static
DNS:		Enabled

Suddenly, after working just fine for a week, the PC could no longer resolve 
domaine names into IP addresses.  I could, however, type IPs into the 
location box and could reach webpages.  I could ping other sites and the PC itself 
could be pinged.

Since it seemed like a DNS issue I deleted the primary and secondary DNS 
IPs provided by my ISP, replaced them with a DNS IP of a local university, 
and lo, IPs were once more being resolved!

About 20 other machines in the library are (no excited phone calls thus 
far) still working with the original DNS settings.  However, everytime I 
changed this machine back it failed to resolve.  I even tried changing 
the machine's name and IP to no avail.  

Any ideas on what's going on here?  Is it a sign of impending disaster?  
Do I need a vacation?  El Nino?  Filters?

Michael J. Dargan                               office: 319 291 4496
Technical Systems Administrator                    fax: 319 291 6736
Waterloo and Cedar Falls Public Libraries         Waterloo, IA 50701

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