Training branch tech corps

bs91 Barbara_G_SMITH at
Fri Jan 2 08:05:00 EST 1998

As our library system installs a fleet of PC's for public Web access, the
challlenge of maintaining them fthrough the central technology staff, a
resourcee that is already stretched too far, is daunting.  So we are
planninng to train a corps of designated branch staff who will have
equipment  maintenance as an assigned work task.  In addition to the new
PC's, they will also be responsible for printers (a variety of flavors and
vintages) and our aging fleet of dumb terminals used with the library's
automation system.

Does anyone have a list of competencies for training front line staff on PC
maintenance basics?  What about a curriculum for doing the training?  Where
do you draw the line between what branch staff can/should do in terms of
maintenance and when they should hand off a problem to the central
tech staff?  What works well, and what leaves something to be desired?

The training sessions start later this month.  Documentation, insights and
advice all welcomed.  If you know of any ALA Midwinter sessions that might
address this, that would be useful, too.

Thanks in advance.

Barbara Smith

Barbara G. SMITH             Chief of Technical Services
voice:  301/217-3806          Montgomery County Department of Public Libraries
fax:    301/217-3895          99 Maryland Avenue
e-mail: bs91 at    Rockville, MD 20850
e-mail: smithb at

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