Looking for JavaScript, VBScript, Style Sheets, etc sites

Andy Boze Boze.1 at nd.edu
Tue Jan 6 19:26:00 EST 1998

I'm looking for sites, especially library sites, that are using
JavaScript, VBScript, Style Sheets, dynamic HTML, etc. for library
instruction, reference assistance, web site navigation or other
creative/innovative uses (i.e. more than just decoration). I'm also
interested in sites using Java, but to a lesser extent.

If you are aware of any sites, or if you have built something yourself,
I would appreciate any URLs and a sentence or two describing the
project. I'll be happy to summarize the replies I get to the list. If
you have something that's still under development that I could look at,
but you'd rather not publicize it, just indicate so and I won't include
it in my summary.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Andy Boze, PC/Network Coordinator  | E-mail: Boze.1 at nd.edu
University Libraries of Notre Dame | WWW: http://www.nd.edu/~fboze/
221 Hesburgh Library               | Voice: (219) 631-8708
Notre Dame, IN  46556-5629         | FAX:   (219) 631-6772

"Caution is the path to mediocrity." Leto Atreides II

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