archiving campus epubs

kimmelse at kimmelse at
Sat Feb 7 09:54:55 EST 1998


I'm serving on a committee that is examining 
technical and policy issues related to archiving campus epubs, such as 
online newspapers, ejournals, newsletters published on campus. We're 
in the information gathering stage and would be interested in hearing from 
institutions that are working with these issues. Questions include:

-- how are other campuses approaching the issue of archiving local epubs?
-- what model, demo, or pilot projects are under way?
-- what kinds of policies are under development or in practice?
-- how are technical issues being addressed?
-- what costs are involved?

Our goal is to develop an  approach to selecting and archiving epubs, 
then conducting some pilot projects. If you can share  relevant 
information or  experience, we'd greatly appreciate hearing from you 
directly (reply to  stacey_kimmel at I can summarize for the list 
if there is sufficient interest.


Stacey Kimmel

             ,--;   Stacey Kimmel
       _ ___/ /\|   North Carolina State University Libraries
   ,;`( )__, )  ~   919.515.1624 (voice)/919.513.1108 (fax)
  //  //   '--;     stacey_kimmel at

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