MS Front Page

Jonathan Sparks jsparks at
Mon Feb 2 18:34:17 EST 1998

Try Macromedia's Dreamweaver.  It seems to be a wonderful WYSIWYG editor without
the problems of Front Page.  It also has a built-in editor for making changes in
the HTML coding.  I believe it is on sale now for $299 during February.  After
that it goes for $499.  It produces DHTML.  My CD-ROM of the program also came
with Allaire's HomeSite, another web editing program.

Jon Sparks <jsparks at>
LRC Director
Southern Nazarene University.

Danny Sullivan wrote:

> >    - it requires that you run the MS personal web server on your development
> > machine.
> No, you can use the editor as standalone. You lose some nice feature,
> like the ability to move a page and have links automatically update,
> if you do this. You can also choose to use the FP server, which I
> found much more dependable than the MS server.

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