WEB4LIB digest 950

JQ Johnson jqj at darkwing.uoregon.edu
Mon Feb 2 17:38:30 EST 1998

Bob Long writes:

>><img src="your.gif" width=100%>
> Is this new?

Not very new; it's been in widespread use since Netscape 2.0 (pixel widths
have been around since Netscape 1.1 or earlier.  Although percentage widths
are not part of HTML 3.2, they are part of HTML 4.0 (so Thomas Dowling
didn't use them until recently, right? :-)).  See
<http://www.htmlcompendium.org/img.htm> for a general discussion of IMG
tags.  Note that some versions of browsers behave very nonintuitively if
only HEIGHT or WIDTH (not both) is specified, or when a percentage width is
specified for an IMG in a table cell where the width of that column depends
on the width of the cell.

JQ Johnson                      office: 115F Knight Library
Academic Education Coordinator  e-mail: jqj at darkwing.uoregon.edu
1299 University of Oregon       voice: 1-541-346-1746
Eugene, OR  97403-1299          fax: 1-541-346-3485

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