CD-ROM metering software

Jim Dryden jdryden at
Mon Feb 9 17:20:09 EST 1998

At a small satellite campus library in our system, we have 
CBIS cd connection software  running on a Win95 micro that houses 3
different cds for 50 public workstations. The public user is connected to
a different network drive for each cd that is called for that drive.  To
meter cd use, we wrote and compiled a small WinBatch program that executes
on the CD server for each cd. For each redirection that the server
detects, the winbatch app writes a line into a logfile specifying time and
date, and the name of the cd being accessed. The path to the winbatch
executable is included in the desktop shortcut for each cd on our public
workstation menus. The logfile is formatted in Excel whenever we want to
distribute the useage stats.  Not very fancy, but it gives us the what and
when of our local CD use.

Good luck,

Jim Dryden
Electronic Information Support Specialist
University of Kansas Libraries
785.864.5530 | voice mail: 913.897.8571
FAX: 785.864.5380 | jdryden at	

On Fri, 6 Feb 1998, Trupiano, Anna wrote:

> > We are operating a couple of CD-ROM Towers on the network;
> > via Windows NT OS.  The public workstations are currently 
> > Windows 95... and when the CDs are called/launched they
> > load and operate from "Drive E:"
> > 
> > We need to be able to tell how many users are accessing
> > each of the CDs and (if its possible) how many users/per
> > product on an hour-by-hour basis.
> > 
> > Is anyone doing this with Windows NT?  What software
> > are you using to "meter" this use?
> > 
> > Any information about this would be helpful...  I have not
> > done this before!
> > 
> > Thanks!
> >  
> > 

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