IP Recognition/Password Option Software

Donald Barclay donaldb at library.tmc.edu
Thu Feb 19 17:36:13 EST 1998


Thanks for the info. Way to be a champ!


At 11:15 AM 2/19/98 -0800, John Creech wrote:
>On Thu, 19 Feb 1998, Donald Barclay wrote:
>> Does anyone on Web4lib know
>> what kind of software allows U.T. to offer the password option? Do
>> commercial companies sell such software, or can you make your own using
>> Java?  I believe the UT software works by creating a pseudo IP address when
>> a valid ID number is entered, but that's just a guess.
>Many on this list are more techno-inclined than myself, but here we've
>created a system in which remote users login to our databases gateway page
>in a manner akin to what you describe.  Our Systems Libn. implemented this
>based on an article from _Apache Week_ called "DBM User
>Authentication"-the article is at
>The UI-UC Bluestem project - campus-wide authentification - is at
>And you can implement a proxy server.
>John Creech
>Head of Reference Services, Central Washington University Library 
>400 E. 8th Ave. | Ellensburg, WA 98926 | 509-963-1081
>creechj at www.lib.cwu.edu
>personal mail=jcreech at ellensburg.com
>personal pages=larry.ellensburg.com/~jcreech

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