[WEB4LIB] The future of browsing?

Rhyno Art arhyno at server.uwindsor.ca
Wed Dec 9 10:51:34 EST 1998

> I'm curious as to the reaction to Netscape's soon-to-be released browsing
> engine "Gecko".  
> See: http://home.netscape.com/newsref/pr/newsrelease711.html
Netscape had proposed releasing a browser as a JavaBean about a year ago but then
stopped development. It has since been picked up by the Jazilla effort
(http://www.jazilla.org) and a few companies now offer java-based HTML tools.
Microsoft has also released components for putting together leaner, more
specialized browsers. It would be great if Netscape's offering allowed libraries to
highly customize its browser technology for public stations. Other options are
emerging but Netscape could still offer the best toolkit if it can fully utilize 
the mozilla effort to build more accessible solutions than dealing with a couple 
hundred megabytes of source code.

Art Rhyno, Systems Librarian
Leddy Library, University of Windsor
Internet: arhyno at uwindsor.ca
Tel: (519) 253-4232, EXT. 3163
FAX: (519) 973-7076
WWW: <http://www.uwindsor.ca/library/leddy/people/art.html>

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