[WEB4LIB] Re: Thanx and Linux

Thomas Dowling tdowling at ohiolink.edu
Mon Dec 21 15:39:48 EST 1998

>Using remotely possible or another product you can do maintenance to an
>server from home. Although it would be nice if MS built it into their
>software =|

It's pretty obvious which platform has better remote access possibilities,
but I will say on NT's behalf that Microsoft is beta testing a suite of
apps called "NT Services for Unix".  It has an NFS server and client, a
telnetd server (so you can finally telnet into your NT box), a version of
the Korn Shell, and a handful of Unix command line utilities: grep, wc,
sort, uniq, wc, etc.  Also vi, which makes me happy.  I've lost the direct
URL for it, but that's why M'Soft has a search engine on its web site, no?

[I am not suggesting that telnetting to a korn shell on NT is an adequate
substitute for real Unix.]

>...I've had a hell of a time every time with IIS.
>Yes it works, but I would much rather tinker with the the conf files for
>an apache unix server and see where a process is going than to have
>absolutely no clue about certain things....

Amen to that.  Heaven save us from software that insists on protecting us
from knowing what's really happening.

Thomas Dowling
OhioLINK - Ohio Library and Information Network
tdowling at ohiolink.edu

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