G3's and Netscape

Jennifer Sarber jsarber at statelib.lib.in.us
Wed Dec 16 12:27:54 EST 1998

Greetings Everyone;

My question for the day is:

Our library has recently began using several IMAC's and G3 computers. 
We are also running some Window machines and other types of Macs.  

It seems that the IMAC's and G3's are unable to access our online
catalog over the network using the url: 

We are running the current version of Mac OS and Netscape 4.0, or 4.5 or

There is no problem with our established Windows computers and other Mac
computers using the same OS and versions of Netscape.

If anyone is using an IMAC or G3 would you please try to access our
online catalog and let me know the results of your search.

Is anyone else having this problem or have anyone suggestions for me?

Thanks for your help,
Jennifer Sarber
Indiana State Library
Management Information Services
140 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, IN  46204

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