Filtering--thanks; it ain't over

Nick Arnett arnett at
Sun Apr 26 11:43:13 EDT 1998

At 05:49 AM 4/25/98 -0700, Karen G. Schneider wrote:

>It was indeed at 40% disapproval at 6 p.m. EST
>By 8:30 p.m. EST, it was at 50% disapproval
>By 8:00 a.m. EST today, 8/25, it was at 48% disapproval

I was disappointed to see the usual television-style presentation from USA
Today -- no suggestion that perhaps the issue is a bit more complicated
than approval or disapproval of filters.  As far as I could see, they don't
even offer a way for people to leave comments.  This kind of survey is
divisive, I believe, because it insists that you join one camp or another,
excluding the possibility of creative solutions or compromise.  It
politicizes a problem, rather than pursuing the traditional editorial role
of reporting the issues.

In other words, I disapprove of the survey...


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