
Steve Hooley hooleyss at gsaix2.cc.GaSoU.EDU
Wed Apr 8 16:56:01 EDT 1998

        Here's a question you don't get asked very often - know a good
source for cheap headphones?
        We've got a number of multimedia stations open (next week we may hit
the number of 300 public machines for the first time) and an anthropology
prof has been bringing his classes to watch a CD video clip called "the Ax
Fight." This involves a group of homely, naked savages insulting each other
before settling an argument the old-fashioned way. We had thirty people
watching this, all at different places, and most of them were giggling. The
noise was incredible, and we'd like to continue doing this but without the
noise. The dollar stores sell these for a buck, and we'd like to buy some
from the place the dollar stores get them, heh heh. Anybody have this problem?
|   Stephen S. Hooley         |   
|   Technical Specialist      |   
|    Henderson Library        |   
|    Systems Department       |  
| Georgia Southern University |
|      Statesboro, GA 30460   |  My Mars Probe and private worlds
|                             |  http://www2.gasou.edu/facstaff/hooleyss
        Back up my hard drive?  How do I put it in reverse?

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