Public PC's and Client validation

Peter Green greenp at
Mon Oct 27 03:36:56 EST 1997

I am interested in the methods being used to ensure Public PC's are being used by valid clients. I would like to be able to require clients to enter ID and PIN (we have these for other systems) before they can get access to what is on the PC. A timeout would be nice for unoccupied terminals. I am looking at Windows 3.xx or Windows 95. 

I am interested in ensuring that only our clients can actually use the machines. This will ensure compliance with our licensing agreements for databases for example. I have read the archives about FORTRES and IKIOSK but these deal with securing Windows or Netscape. I am not interested (at this point) in what they do once they have access.

Please reply to me and I will summarise appropriately for the list.



Peter Green
LISWeb Coordinator
Curtin University of Technology
GPO Box U 1987
Perth   Western Australia  6845
Ph + 618 9266 2439    Fax  +618 9266 3947
greenp at

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