County May Allow Parents to Bar Children From Internet

rhterry at RBSE.Mountain.Net rhterry at RBSE.Mountain.Net
Wed Oct 15 10:41:53 EDT 1997

On Wed, 15 Oct 1997, CMUNSON wrote:

> Let me first say that I do not agree with the new re-posting guidelines 
> implemented by this list's administrator. I think the decision was made in 
> an undemocratic fashion and promotes a very narrow interpretation of fair 
> use, especially in the medium of listservs.

Well, maybe you can take your ball and go play somewhere else.  I thought 
it was a wise decision, indeed a legal one.  I for one found "this list's 
administrator" to be more then flexible when approached.  The idea of 
calling the decision "undemocratic" and a "narrow interpretation of fair 
use" has been nullified by the posting of your comments.  Before this 
gets out of control with flash points starting camp wars, give it up, as 
pointed out it is the law (unless someone can prove otherwise).

Bob Terry

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