Browser usage -Reply

Elisabeth Roche eroche at
Tue Nov 18 11:38:30 EST 1997

There is an interesting program called Browserola that provides
simulations of the display output of source code for various versions of
browsers. However, they don't have the 4.0 ones yet.
It does have ie3 though.

I limped along for about a week with the totally unstable but
interesting and exciting *active desktop* and IE 4.03. But then,
Cherynobyl. So I don't know how to get rid of it except by fdisk myself.
You can check the forums for other creative ways people have dealt with
the problem.

Elisabeth Roche Roche Internet Resources and Research Tucson, AZ
(520)320-5933 eroche at
serendipity RULES!

Vladislav S. Davidzon wrote:
> >From what I know there is no way to run IE3 and IE4.  From what I've seen even if you have the IE3 files, somehow it manages to run IE4 even if you run IE3 executable / files... I suspect that there is a setting in the registry.  If anyone on the list knows of a better way, I'd love to hear
> it as I've had the problem before:  I do web development and wanted to
> test my pages with both IE4 and IE3, however had to settle for Netscape
> and IE4, no ie3 :(

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