Browser usage -Reply

Chizuko Kawamoto ckawamoto at
Mon Nov 17 19:28:32 EST 1997

Vladislav S. Davidzon wrote:
To remove IE4 however, under NT4 or Win95 just go
into control panel, add remove programs and select
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 and click remove,
then download and install IE3...

I don't want to remove IE 4.0.  Do you know if I can
keep both versions like I do with Netscape?  When I
installed IE 4.0, it slightly changed how Windows 95
operates (not only desktop).  I'm sure I'll have to
face lots of questions I don't know which way to
answer when I reinstall older version.  I could do
what you suggested, and reinstall 4.0 later IF IE
allows you to keep both versions.  Since I don't have
lots of time and patience, I'll probably just wait till
the company upgrades the voice e-mail I purchased.

Chizuko Kawamoto
ckawamoto at

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