Hotmail in Libraries

earl young eayoung at
Fri May 30 15:23:16 EDT 1997

Thank you for the information - especially the part about the Unix
accounts that appears near the end.  I have been on both Hotmail and
Rocketmail long enough to have gotten the email id I wanted, and would
add only that Hotmail used (in November/December) to be a mess.  It has
lately been efficient, reliable, and as yet untouched by the outages (so
far as I know) that have plagued their more respectable industry
colleagues such as Microsoft, ATT, AOL, etc....  They have instead been
a reliable second-circuit for me as I was dealing with various and
varying Internet email jams.  It is not my primary service, however, so
maybe I was just getting lucky.  I'll settle for it.

I have copied this to several colleagues who share an interest in unix
and the web.  I believe the Unix information will draw their interest. 
Thank you once again for sharing it with us.

Earl Young

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