"Safe Surfing Guidelines from ALA" (Edupage, 20 May 1997)

Jacques Presseault jacques at olsn.on.ca
Fri May 30 09:27:39 EDT 1997

Richard J. Violette wrote:
> Dear WEB4LIBns,
> I thought the following was very interesting.  Does anybody have any
> thoughts?  Further information?
> /s/ Rich.V.
> ************************************************************
> Edupage, 20 May 1997.  Edupage, a summary of news about information
> technology, is provided three times a week as a service by Educom, a
> Washington, D.C.-based consortium of leading colleges and universities
> seeking to transform education through the use of information
> technology.
> ************************************************************
>         Ellison Sees Himself As An Enlightened Egotist
>    ô¿ô  Safe Surfing Guidelines From ALA
>         E-Rate Approved By FCC
>         Dr. Know
> 8<---!SNIP!---
> The American Library Association has drafted a set of guidelines for
> librarians, suggesting ways to assist patrons in using online searches
> without incurring liability for ones that turn up potentially offensive
> or "indecent" material.  The guidelines offer "some easy things that a
> library can do at this point rather than trying to block access to the
> Internet or put up filters or do something that is so restrictive to
> their patrons' access to the Internet," says the assistant director of
> the ALA's Office for
> Intellectual Freedom.  The recommendations include:  educating staff,
> library board, governing bodies, community leaders, parents, children,
> etc. about the Internet and what it offers; establishing and
> implementing written policies on Internet use; reminding parents that
> they are responsible for their children's Internet use; creating and
> promoting Web pages with recommended sites for parents and children; and
> placing terminals away from public view so that others are not offended
> by any particular user's choice of viewing material.  (Chronicle of
> Higher Education 23 May 97)
> --
> Richard J. Violette    | 1200 Court House           | "He chose to be
> Catalog Librarian I    | Boston MA 02108            | rich, by making
> Social Law Library     | Vox: (617) 523-0018, x318  | his wants few."
> rviolett at socialaw.com  | Fax: (617) 523-2458        |       --Emerson

Where could I get copy of these SAFE SURFING GUIDELINES FROM ALA?
Jacques Presseault		jacques at olsn.on.ca
Ontario Library Service - North (Sudbury)
Tel.:	(705) 675-6433	Fax:	(705) 671-2441

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