Univ of Hawaii library school web site

Lani Teshima-Miller teshima at hawaii.edu
Fri May 16 00:57:36 EDT 1997

Aloha from Hawaii;

We've just had a major renovation on our school's web site, including a
change in our URL (fortunately to a more simplified one).

When you have a moment, please visit our pages and let us know what you
think. Beyond the overall look and design, the actual work with the
html coding was done by our student web team. We'll be adding more pages
and features this summer.


Thanks! :>

* Lani Teshima-Miller <teshima at Hawaii.edu>.....Student Services Officer *
* School of Library & Information Studies, University of Hawaii at Manoa*
* "Whatever the cost of our libraries, the price is cheap compared to   *
*  that of an ignorant nation." -Walter Cronkite            '96 UA M+2P *

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