Slanted Web Sites

Jon Knight jon at
Mon May 12 03:30:47 EDT 1997

On Sat, 10 May 1997, Chris Hammond-Thrasher wrote:
> Media literacy students may have more to learn from examining the "slanted"
> information in corporate web sites or other marketing instruments, as they
> generally appear more innocuous at first glance in comparison with the web
> pages of more extreme groups.

And don't forget political parties - in the UK we've just suffered a
General Election and all the three main parties have/had web sites.  The
labour one at <URL:> was around at the weekend
but now just returns a blank document - though that could be because
they're using Microsoft IIS.  The Conservatives are at
<URL:> (still working which is more than can be said
for most of their MPs :-) ) and the LibDems are at
<URL:>.  Whats worrying is that none of the
parties seem to understand the need for ALT text for text only browsers
(such Lynx which I used to check these URLs with) which doesn't bode to
well for the new parliment's attitude towards equality of information
access... :-(

Tatty bye,


Jon "Jim'll" Knight, Researcher, Sysop and General Dogsbody, Dept. Computer
Studies, Loughborough University of Technology, Leics., ENGLAND.  LE11 3TU.
* I've found I now dream in Perl.  More worryingly, I enjoy those dreams. *

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