clarification re: loaded searches

Gretchen McCord Hoffmann GMHoffmann at UH.EDU
Fri May 23 12:21:30 EDT 1997

Let me clarify my message from yesterday--what I'm looking for is examples
of sites that "load" their pages with irrelevant terms to make it more
likely to be retrieved in a search.  The example I was talking about was a
page of naked women titled "Sex in the Internal Revenue Service" or some
such, and with the term "IRS" appearing all over the place.  So far as I
could decipher, the IRS wasn't even a theme.  So I'm looking for similar
examples without naked bodies, as opposed to more traditional searches 
that retrieve irrelevant sites, like searching for "grant" as in funding and 
retrieving "amy grant." 

     Gretchen McCord Hoffmann          I want to be thoroughly used up
Coordinator of Library Instruction     when I die...Life is no "brief 
 University of Houston Libraries       candle" to me.  It is a sort of
       gmhoffmann at               splendid torch which I have got
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%    hold of for the moment, and I want
 All opinions and ideas expressed      to make it burn as brightly as
   above are products of my own        possible before handing it on to
    bizarre thought processes.         future generations.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%          --George Bernard Shaw

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