Pull the plug -- libraries aren't common carriers

John Creech jcreech at redshift.com
Tue Mar 25 11:46:50 EST 1997

> On Mon, 24 Mar 1997, Burt, David wrote:

> > The nausea you're feeling is only cognitive dissonance.  Once you get
> > used to the idea of  diversity in library Internet access, it will pass,
> > trust me.

tee-hee.  haha.  HAHAHAHAHA. "Trust me?"  Why?

John Creech, Reference & Instructional Services Librarian
California State University at Monterey Bay
jcreech at redshift.com

"Both my head and I were dressed like Holden Caulfield on that day"
            --Eric Andersen, Ghosts Upon the Road

This .sig file soon moving to Central Washington University

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