The March issue of D-Lib Magazine is now available! (fwd)

Roy Tennant rtennant at
Fri Mar 14 16:08:50 EST 1997

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 11:44:25 -0400
From: Rhonda Arnold <reba at CNRI.Reston.VA.US>
To: dlib-general at CNRI.Reston.VA.US
Subject: The March issue of D-Lib Magazine is now available!

The March issue of D-Lib Magazine is now available at

The UK Office for Library and Information Networking maintains a mirror

for D-Lib Magazine at: <<> and The

Australian National University Sunsite also maintains a mirror at


We are pleased to feature a guest editorial on collaboration by L. M.

Simmons, Jr., of the Santa Fe Center for Emergent Strategies as well as

rich collection of stories, including one in bilingual French/English

versions.  In addition to the stories summarized below, we have

short contributions describing new web resources.


Digital Language Access: Scripts, Transliteration, and Computer Access

John Clews

SESAME Computer Projects

SOS-SD: A Data Warehouse-Based System for the Optimized Selection of

Data [French version available]

Franvois Letourneau

Yvan Bedard

Marie-Josee Proulx

Center for Research in Geomatics

Laval University

What's Wrong with Internet Searching

Annabel Pollock 

Andrew Hockley 

Human Factors Unit, BT Laboratories

Java and Libraries:  Digital and Otherwise

Paul Jones

University of North Carolina

Sink or Swim? The U.S. Navy Virtual Library (NVL)

Bob Norris

U.S. Navy Postgraduate School

Denise Duncan

Logistics Management Institute

D-Lib Magazine is produced by the Corporation for National Research

Initiatives and is sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA) on behalf of the NSF/DARPA/NASA Digital Libraries

William Y. Arms, Chair, D-Lib

Amy Friedlander, Editor, D-Lib Magazine


R.E.B. Arnold, Editorial Assistant

Corporation for National Research Initiatives

1895 Preston White Drive, Suite 100

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