Job Posting: Library Technology Consultant

Becki Whitaker becki at
Thu Mar 13 11:27:05 EST 1997

The following position announcement has been posted to PACS-L, WEB4LIB and
INCOLSA-L.   Please excuse double postings.  Thank you.

Immediate Opening and Re-posting for:


Provides instruction and support for library related applications of
microcomputer based technologies and the Internet in a state-wide library
network. Duties include supporting libraries sharing two CD-ROM-based
bibliographic databases;  consulting on library automation planning and
implementation in small libraries;  consulting about networked information
services, including Internet, WWW, and HTML; and  conducting group
presentations and teaching library microcomputer automation and Internet
application workshops. 

QUALIFICATIONS:  MLS Degree and three years library microcomputer
experience, including local library systems and hardware/software;
knowledge of MARC; database creation and maintenance; proven skills in
HTML and other Internet-related training; history of working with
librarians in a consulting capacity;  working knowledge of PCs and
peripherals, and Internet; effective oral, written and interpersonal
communication skills; demonstrated analytical and organizational skills. 
Desirable:  experience in developing and supporting community information
resources, JAVA/CGI script writing, knowledge of WEB server content
development and maintenance, microcomputer training, writing grant
proposals, working effectively as a team member. This is not a WEB master
position; the emphasis is on training and consulting. 

Dependent upon qualifications.  Benefits, including TIAA-CREF.

Send resume, 3 relevant job references, sample URLs to:
Library Technology Consultant, INCOLSA, 6202 Morenci Trail.,
Indianapolis, IN 46268-2536. EOE M/F/H/V


Becki Whitaker
Information Retrieval Specialist
Indiana Cooperative Library Services Authority (INCOLSA)
6202 Morenci Trail, Indianapolis, IN 46268
becki at /Voice/TDD: 317-298-6570 /FAX: 317-328-2380

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