Bay Area censorship

Dan Lester DLESTER at
Thu Mar 6 15:31:12 EST 1997

Last evening while watching CNN HN (Headline News) they
ran a long piece (about 3 minutes, long by their standards)
about net censorship/blocking/filtering in the San Francisco
Bay area.  They interviewed the head librarian at San Bruno
PL (I think) and she talked about how they needed to filter to
protect the little children, etc.  They interveiwed and
apparently-high-level lady at San Francisco PL and she
explained about filtering and blocking being bad for all the
reasons we know, and said they didn't have problems with it. 
They also interviewed another librarian (forget where, but bay
area) and they were undecided, but hadn't filtered yet.  The
piece was balanced pretty well on the pros and cons of
filtering.  I will say it is the first case I've seen where a head
librarian stated in a public forum that filtering was good and

If anyone else saw it, maybe they can add some details, or
can get more, or a transcript from CNN.  I've not checked
their website.


Dan Lester, Network Information Coordinator
Boise State University Library, Boise, Idaho, 83725 USA
voice: 208-385-1235   fax:  208-385-1394
dlester at     OR    alileste at
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