Managing Technology - Program Update

ra67 Robin_P_ALBERT at
Thu Jun 26 14:30:00 EDT 1997

                        Program Update

           Managing Technology in Public Libraries
              Third Annual Leadership Institute
                      August 3-7, 1997
                         sponsored by
         College of Library and Information Services
                    University of Maryland

Limited space available!  There are about 10 spaces left for participants to
register for this summer's institute.  Don't miss this opportunity to
interact with public library administrators and technology experts
discussing the critical issues in planning, implementing, and managing
information technology in the public library.

Program highlights include: Joey Rodger on the future direction of public
libraries; sessions on: developing an effective technology plan, decision
making on data communications issues, Internet access and use by staff and
the public, and the latest updates on the important information policy
issues affecting libraries.

For complete program/registration information, visit our web site at:

Program update: Bob Smith, Director, Medina County Public Library will join
Christine Hage and Steve Helm on the Internet Access in Public Libraries
panel discussion.  He will discuss his experience as a library director who
has been required to filter Internet access, not by choice but as part of a
state-wide mandate.  You will learn how his library system has handled the
controversy as well as the realities of implementation.

For additional information or to request a print brochure, please contact:

Robin Albert                        voice:  301-405-2057
Institute Coordinator               fax:    301-314-9145
Room 4105, Hornbake South Wing      e-mail: ra67 at
College of Library & Information Services
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-4345

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