IETF / RFC / GNU filtering software / and Internet Accep

Tony Barry tony at
Fri Jun 13 21:46:10 EDT 1997

At 6:16 AM 13/6/97, CMUNSON wrote:
>     This is such a ludicrous idea. This is obviously proposed by somebody
>     who has no interest in participatory democracy and free speech. We

Libraries have ALWAYS been in the ratings business.  Its called collection
development.  You only select material suitable for your clientele and wish
you could afford to buy more...

The equivalent is you only rate those things highly that suitable for your
clientele and only rate donw those brought to your attention by clients if
you agree with them.


mailto:tony at          |+61 6 249 5688 |+61 6 288 0959

Ningaui Pty Ltd, GPO Box 1680, Canberra City,  ACT 2601

Visiting Fellow, Department of Computer Science,   FEIT
Australian National University,    ACT 0200   AUSTRALIA 

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