Electronic Brown Wrappers in special

Charles Crawford ccrawfor at tcc.tacoma.ctc.edu
Tue Jun 10 07:12:00 EDT 1997

I respect Mr. Burt's desire to protect children, but one of the things that 
bothers me about this discussion is rather clearly demonstrated in this 
posting. And that is that Mr. Burt, like a judge watching sexually explicit 
films before ruling on what is or isn't pornography, obviously feels the 
need to spend a certain amount of time cruising these sites, so that he can 
be an informed censor. Am I the only one who senses a certain prurience in 
the continuing need to give examples of the kind of the site that is 
unacceptable, and in this case a rather explicit description provided by Mr. 

Charlie Crawford, TCC

> Most everyone agrees that there is a clear difference between hard and
> soft core porn.  We all draw a distinction between artsy B/W  picture of
> a
> nude women, and a picture of a nude woman with her legs spread, labia
> on display, with a throbbing penis fast approaching.

>As for ILL-ing Hustler, Mr. Burt
>stated that libraries have the right to "not ILL" anything they deem
>inappropriate based on their mission statement.  I do think you could
>end up in court over that.

Under what statute?

          David Burt, Information Technology Librarian
          The Lake Oswego Public Library
          706 Fourth Street, Lake Oswego, OR 97034
          URL:          http://www.ci.oswego.or.us/library/library.htm
          Phone:     (503) 675-2537
          Fax:           (503) 635-4171
          E-mail:      dburt at ci.oswego.or.us

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